admin 发表于 2022-9-26 11:09:35

USB Blaster II 使用说明和常见问题解决方案




1、插入USB Blaster II下载器到电脑(下载器接不接FPGA无所谓)
2、在设备管理器中找到新出现的两个设备,两个设备名称都为USB Blaster II

3、先任意选中其中一个USB Blaster II设备,右键更新驱动,选择驱动位置为:\quartus\drivers\usb-blaster-ii,不同用户的电脑,绝对路径不一样,比如笔者的为D:\intelFPGA\17.1\quartus\drivers\usb-blaster-ii,然后点击下一页以安装驱动即可。

4、安装完成后会在JTAG Cables下出现一个Altera USB Blaster II的设备,如下图所示:





DescriptionDue to the expiration of the digital signature certificate of the Intel® FPGA Download Cable II driver for Windows* operating system, the installation process of the driver may fail.Follow the next steps to verify if the digital signature certificate of your driver has expired:
[*]Go to '<Quartus Installation Path>\qprogrammer\quartus\drivers\usb-blaster-ii' folder
[*]Right click on '' and select 'Properties', then select the 'Digital Signatures' tab
[*]Select the 'IFDLII Production Key1' signature from the 'Signature List' and click 'Details'
[*]Click on 'View Certificate'
[*]If the driver has expired, you will see the 'This certificate has expired or is not yet valid' message

ResolutionTo work around this problem, follow the next steps:
[*]Download an updated version of the driver from the following link
[*]Decompress the downloaded file and substitute 'usb-blaster-ii.inf' and '' files in '<Quartus Installation Path>\qprogrammer\quartus\drivers\usb-blaster-ii' folder
[*]Launch the Windows* 'Device Manager'
[*]Locate 'Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG interface)' node under 'JTAG cables' in the Windows* 'Device Manager', right click and select 'Update Driver'
[*]Choose ´'Browse my computer for driver software' then click on 'Search for drivers in this location' and point to the new 'usb-blaster-ii.inf' file
This problem is fixed starting with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 21.1.原文链接

admin 发表于 2023-6-9 14:38:34



由于Quartus II 13.0作为第1个使用USB Blaster II的软件版本,起初并未计划支持使用USB Blaster II烧录AS器件,所以使用Quartus II 13.0软件,使用USB Blaster II烧录AS时,会提示不支持,如下图所示。


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查看完整版本: USB Blaster II 使用说明和常见问题解决方案